
As drought conditions worsen in California and other western states, rating analysts are weighing the potential impacts. California state water officials announced during a media call Tuesday that the governor plans to increase his budget request for state conservation efforts after the state’s residents failed to heed his request in March to reduce consumption, instead
The bipartisan infrastructure law lacks big-ticket funds for high-speed rail, but the Biden Administration still hopes to see the technology developed in certain areas, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told lawmakers Tuesday. The comments came during Buttigieg’s testimony at a U.S. House appropriations panel hearing on the Department of Transportation’s FY23 budget, where Buttigieg faced questions
Municipal triple-A yield curves were steady Tuesday while the focus was on the primary, which kicked into gear with several large new issues out of New York, Oregon and Wisconsin pricing. U.S. Treasuries ended a bit better while munis were little changed on the day and the moves pushed muni to UST ratios higher. Ratios
Texas voters approved record bond packages for San Antonio and Fort Worth on Saturday, while a few school districts with large debt proposals stumbled, particularly with projects unrelated to academics, according to unofficial election results. Cities and school districts across Texas piled a record $18.5 billion of bonds on ballots for the spring election as
The Federal Reserve warned of deteriorating liquidity conditions across key financial markets amid rising risks from the war in Ukraine, monetary tightening and high inflation in a semi-annual report published Monday. “According to some measures, market liquidity has declined since late 2021 in the markets for recently-issued U.S. cash Treasury securities and for equity index
A coalition of former transportation officials, advocates and union leaders wrote a letter to California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins urging them to release voter-approved bond funds to move the state’s high-speed rail project forward. The letter is the latest in the skirmish over California’s embattled high-speed rail project,
S&P Global Ratings raised Illinois’ ratings by one notch Friday. The action completes a round of upgrades that rewarded the state for progress in tackling chronic strains that were made worse by a two-year budget impasse that dragged the state’s ratings to the edge of junk. S&P lifted the general obligation rating to BBB-plus from
In our first-quarter municipal (muni) bond outlook, the twin risks of higher inflation and rising interest rates were a key focus.  We maintain now, as we did then, that these risks could also present opportunities in certain corners of the fixed-income market, especially among shorter-duration municipal bonds.  At the end of 2021 into the early
Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi halted collections of a gasoline and diesel tax for 45 days, in a step that may lead to conflict with the Oversight Board and may run afoul of a revenue provision in the bond restructuring law. Pierluisi signed the moratorium late Tuesday. In late March, Board General Counsel Jaime El
The North Carolina Local Government Commission approved more than $1.5 billion in financing for local government projects across the state, including about $900 million for infrastructure improvements at the Charlotte and Asheville airports. At its meeting Tuesday, the commission approved the city of Charlotte’s request to issue up to $425 million in revenue bonds for