
Municipals were little changed Friday as U.S. Treasuries pared back losses to end the day mixed after the morning shock of the hotter-than-expected jobs report sent them selling off. Equities ended mixed. The three-year muni-UST ratio Wednesday was at 62%, the five-year at 69%, the 10-year at 74% and the 30-year at 97%, according to
The Florida Treasury will divest up to $2 billion of assets that are currently under management by BlackRock because of its stance on environmental, social and governance issues, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis said Thursday. The state Treasury will have Florida’s custody bank freeze about $1.43 billion worth of long-term securities and remove BlackRock
Puerto Rico government agencies and authorities completed their approval of extending LUMA Energy’s operation of the island’s electrical transmission and distribution system Wednesday. LUMA took over the system in June 2021 based on a short-term supplementary agreement that was supposed to be replaced by a 15-year Operating and Maintenance agreement on Thursday. However, that agreement
Municipals were better to start the week in constructive secondary trading while U.S. Treasuries pared back earlier gains to close the session mixed and equities ended in the red. Triple-A yields fell three to five basis points along the curve while UST were little changed to weaker by a basis point on the short end.
House members led by Suzan Delbene, D-Wash., and Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, are urging House leaders to extend the 12.5% low-income housing tax credit allocation increase and lower the private activity bond requirement to 25% from 50% in a bid that responds to inflation as well as the affordable housing shortage gripping cities. That ask was
Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority bondholders, insurers and the PREPA bond trustee defended their lien on authority revenues in a bankruptcy adversary proceeding. Responding to the Oversight Board’s filing in the lien adversary proceeding, bondholders said their liens extend beyond money in the Sinking Fund and Self-Insurance Fund to revenues generally including future revenues and
Despite a negative return in the latest quarter, New York State’s retirement fund is “built to weather the ups and downs of the markets,” even with an investment environment termed “challenging,” according to New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. The New York State Common Retirement Fund’s estimated value at the end of the second quarter