
Why do currencies always come in pairs in trading? That’s a question many new traders ask when they come across their first charts and graphs. Here to explain one of the building blocks of Forex is trading expert David Jones. In this video you’ll see the components of currency pairs broken down, explained and put
Rishi Sunak has been accused of squandering £11bn of taxpayers money by paying too much interest servicing the government’s debt. Calculations by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, the oldest non-partisan economic research institute in the UK, show the losses stem from the chancellor’s failure to take out insurance against interest rate rises
June marks the annual observation of LGBTQI+ Pride Month, a month honoring those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex. To commemorate the occasion, online loan marketplace LendingTree analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 American Community Survey data to compare home prices in the states where households occupied by same-sex couples
Municipals again saw a stronger short end of the yield curve and some pressure out long in light trading Tuesday as U.S. Treasuries were better and equities ended in the black. Triple-A benchmarks were bumped up to three basis points five years and in and cut up to two basis points on the long end,
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) study on energy consumption revealed the importance of design choices within the crypto ecosystem to build an environmentally friendly mainstream payment system. In the study entitled “Digital Currencies and Energy Consumption,” the IMF examined the energy consumption of crypto assets based on their distinct design elements to evaluate the ideal mechanism for developing central