
Baby bond programs aren’t a panacea for generational inequality, but remain a promising tool to chip away at such problems, experts said at an event this week in New York. Tuesday’s event at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Exploring Baby Bonds as a Tool to Improve Economic Security,” was organized in conjunction with
Citing sustained progress on pension funding and debt reduction, Moody’s Investors Service Friday lifted its rating outlook on New Jersey to positive from stable, while affirming its issuer and general obligation bond ratings at A2. “The positive outlook is supported by the likelihood the state will continue its current practices for managing reserves and long-term
California water and wastewater issuers count among their challenges the recurrence of drought, fundamental modification to the usage rates and patterns of enterprise services post pandemic, and significant capital requirements from a regulatory and reinvestment perspective. Issuers and other sector experts will explore the unique risks facing water and wastewater agencies and how they are
Cities and Counties have had to question long-term revenue forecasts that were based on fundamentals that may no longer be present in their post-COVID economies. This uncertainty is particularly unsettling as COVID relief funds are spent down. Issuers, their advisors, and sector professionals will discuss their view of these challenges amidst those of the broader
Industry is back. For the last several decades, the sector has been overlooked and underinvested in, as Wall Street embraced Silicon Valley, services and all things technology-related. Manufacturing, particularly in rich countries like the US, was regarded as a “has been” business. Fewer and fewer wanted to invest or work in it. The inevitable decline
China’s president Xi Jinping is poised to secure an unprecedented third term as leader at a congress of his Communist party this month, but behind the political theatre a broader shift is playing out. Demographers predict the world’s most populous country will start to shrink in 2022, a turning point with profound ramifications for its
The UK’s credit rating was threatened with a downgrade late on Friday when S&P, one of the world’s largest credit rating agencies, put the country on a “negative outlook” after chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini” Budget last week. The rating agency maintained the UK’s double A investment grade credit rating but warned the outlook was negative.
We’re going to talk about the iron condor and the double diagonal. More precisely, we will answer the question are they the same strategies. You’ll learn everything about these strategies, and you’ll understand how you can trade them. #ironcondor #doublediagonal #tradingstocks #tradingstrategy #stockprice #tradingtips Posted at: ? Newsletter & Announcements : ? Discord